One Person Company(OPC)

One Person Private Limited Company Registration in India is administered by the Registrar of Companies-ROC in India. Register a OPC company in India. Before registering a start-up company in India as a OPC Pvt Ltd Company, Company Name Check can be c..

Foreign Investment in India - FDI

Foreign Investment in India by entities incorporated outside India, foreign citizens, NRI are governed by Reserve Bank of India subject to Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 201..

Professional Tax

Tax on Profession is levied by the state government on every person exercising any Profession or calling or is engaged in any trade or holds any appointment, public or private or is employed in any manner in the State. The collection of Profession Ta..

Company Registration in India

Company registration in India is regulated by the Companies Act, 2013, and administered by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA - and is processed at the Central Registration Centre (CRC).

Closure of Defunct Company

Business many not be successful all time. A compny incorporated in some case many not put to use or some time it may be kept null. These type of companies are defund companies and can avail closing under section 248 of the Companies Act,2018