Digital Signature (Class 3 DSC)

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Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a legally recognised method of signing documents electronically. Class 3 Digital Signatures are used for e-tendering and auctions and also for certain specific purposes as may be stipulated.

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Overview - Class 3 Digital Signature (Class 3 DSC)

Digital Signature Certificate (Class 3), Class III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a legally recognised method of electronic submission of tenders and auctions.

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Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a legally recognised method of signing documents electronically. 

Digital Signature Certificates are used by programs on the Internet and local machines to confirm the identity of a third party. The digital signatures are now accepted at par with handwritten signatures and the electronic documents that have been digitally signed are treated at par with paper documents.

Digital signatures have often confused with scanned copies of a physical written signature, which do not have any legal backing for authentication of electronic documents.

There are different Types of Digital Signature Certificates.  Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates are with the highest level of cryptographic security requirements. 

Class 3 digital signature certificate can be issued in the name of individuals as well as companies / organisations. As these are high assurance certificates, primarily intended for e-commerce applications, they shall be issued to individuals only on their personal (physical) appearance before the Certifying Authorities / Registration Authorities.

Uses of Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate

Class 3 Digital Signatures are used for e-tendering and auctions and also for certain specific purpose secured online login requirements.

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Digital Signature (Class 3 DSC) - Requirements

Place an order and make online payment

Submit the Application and supporting documents

Enrollment of DSC Request

Complete the Video Verification

Complete the Phone Verification

Get Authentication Code

Download the DSC to E-Token

Class 3 Digital Signature (Class 3 DSC)

Application by the DSC Aplicant

The Applicant has to fill the prescribed DSC Application Form with required particulars and have to sign the same personally and the physical application is to be submitted to Registration Authority for enrolment.

Enrolment of application by RA

The Registration Authority shall make enrolment of DSC application with portal of Certification Authority for issue of DSC. After verification documents and application by RA, video / mobile verification request for applicant will be initiated.

Video Verification for DSC Approval

After submitting the application and documents to E-Mudhra, the applicant will get a web link for video verification. Video verification can be completed with Desktop of Mobile App.

Mobile No. Verification

After video verification, the applicant should also complete verification of “Mobile Number” given in the application form. Applicant must send an SMS to 09945211399 in the below format from the applicant mobile number mentioned in the application.

Download of DSC to E-Token

After both the verification, the applicant will get an authentication code for downloading the DSC. On receipt of authentication code, the DSC can be downloaded to the E-Token Storage device.

Documents Required

Identity Proof

Any of the following documents can be submitted as ID Proof. All the documents must be self attested by the applicant

  1. Valid Passport
  2. Driving License
  3. PAN Card
  4. Bank Account Passbook containing the photograph and signed by an individual with attestation by the concerned Bank official.
  5. Photo ID card issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Centre/State Governments.
  6. Aadhaar Card
Address Proof

Any of the following documents can be submitted as Address Proof. All the documents must be self attested by the applicant

  1. Telephone Bill
  2. Bank Statements with latest transactions signed by the bank
  3. Electricity Bill
  4. Water Bill
  5. Gas Bill

Class 3 Digital Signature (Class 3 DSC)

DSC Application Form

Physical copy of duly filled and signed application with copy of Identity and address proof documents has to be submitted to Certifying Authority.

Crypto Token (E-Token)

Digital Signature Certificate can be stored only on Crypto Token (E-Token).

Faq - Digital Signature (Class 3 DSC)

A digital signature is a type of asymmetric cryptography used to simulate the security properties of a handwritten signature on paper. Digital signature schemes normally give two algorithms, one for signing that involves the user's secret or private key, and one for verifying signatures that involves the user's public key.
There are different types of Digital Signature Certificates. Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates are with the highest level of cryptographic security requirements. Class 3 digital signature certificate can be issued in the name of individuals as well as companies / organisations.
USB e-Token is a storage device where the Digital Signature can be stored with password protection. E-Token is password protected so that Digital Signature is never lost when computer is formatted or internet explorer changed.
Digital Signature are generally used for filing electronic documents. Class 3 Digital Signatures are used for electronic submission of tenders and auctions
No. Digital Signature is available in soft format. The CCI has formally discontinued the download of DSC in .pfx format. So, the digital signature can now be downloaded only to a Cryptographic Device.
The Central Government of India has appointed the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) under Information Technology Act 2000 for regulating the issue and management of Digital Signatures in India.
The Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) appoints independent agencies as Certifying Authority (CA) for issue of Digital Signature Certificates. CAs are responsible for verification and issuance of DSC to applicant.
Registration Authority (RA) interacts with the DSC applicants for collection of documents and submission to CA and help them for submission of DSC application and in some cases for obtaining and using hardware Crypto device
Yes. A person can have two digital signatures, say one for official use and other one for personal use.

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