A trademark is typically a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, image or a combination of these to distinguish a company’s products and services from that of others. A trademark is also used as a marketing tool for creating awareness and recognition ..
Goods and services are categorised into 45 classes under NICE Classification (NCL) for Trademark Registration. Identifying the Class of Trademark is very important before filing the application as registering a trademark or name under a particular cl..
A patent is an exclusive right granted by the government to the inventor of a product for a limited time for his/her invention.
Copyright means the exclusive right to do or authorise the doing of certain actions in respect of a literary, dramatic or musical work, computer programme, artistic work, a cinematograph film or a sound recording.
Industrial design refers to any creative activity that results in the physical or formal appearance of a product. Design right is an exclusive right awarded to the proprietor for a new or an original design.