Next Generation Trademark Filing Services

AI enabled evaluation tool to analyze different aspects of Trademark Application filing such as categories of applicants, applicability of different scenarios to identify the Trademark Filing Fee and e-Lawyering for creation of multiple documents onl..

Registration of Logo Trademark in Colour or Black and White

Before filing a Logo Trademark, you have to decide whether you are claiming the colour of the trademark or not. If colour is not claimed, it is advisable to file a black-and-white drawing of the mark. however, you can use the mark in any colours.

Assignment of Trademark

Assignment of trademark means the transfer of the owner’s right, title, and interest with respect to the trademark. Assignment is defined as assignment in writing by act of the parties concerned.

Reply to Trademark Examination Report

After examination of trademark application, the registrar will decide whether the application can be accepted or not. Trademark Application can be objected by the Registrar if the trademark does not have distinctive character or if trademark is simil..

How to check Trademark Application Status?

Every trademark application will have a Unique Trademark Application Number. Status of Trademark application can be tracked anytime from the website at E-REGISTER & APPLICATION STATUS with the Website of Trade Marks Registry.