One Person Company(OPC)

One Person Private Limited Company Registration in India is administered by the Registrar of Companies-ROC in India. Register a OPC company in India. Before registering a start-up company in India as a OPC Pvt Ltd Company, Company Name Check can be c..

Company Registration in India

Company registration in India is regulated by the Companies Act, 2013, and administered by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA - and is processed at the Central Registration Centre (CRC).

Benefits of Limited Company

A Limited Liability Company is an incorporated business entity registered under the Companies Act, 2013. An incorporated business entity or a Limited Liability Business Form has many benefits compared to unincorporated business entities.The major ben..

Types of Limited Company

A ‘Company’ is a business organisation registered under prevalent company law for doing business in a particular jurisdiction. For administrative and other requirements including compliance, a company is classified as primarily ‘private’ or â..

Limited Liability Company

Private limited, public limited and Limited Liability Partnership are the Limited Liability Company structure available India. The most used limited liability structure is Private Limited.