Trademark Search - How to Check a Trademark?

Trademark Search - How to Check Trademark Availability?

Also, you have to Check whether the proposed name is Trademarked by any other person already.

You can do a trade mark search at the Trademark Registry with this link ==> TRADEMARK SEARCH

Before carrying out the TM Search, you must identify the TM Class where your Products / Service falls in.

Type the name in ‘Wordmark’ and type the Class Number in ‘Class’ and carry out the Search. Your will get the results Trademarks already registered and applications details.

(Disclaimer: Even if the system indicates the searched TM does not exist, there is no guarantee that the name will be approved by Trademark Registry. We have to file a formal Trademark application and wait for the approval from Trademark Registry)

Trademark Registration Process is completely an online and will take about 9-12 months. The first step is to file an application with the Trademark Registry (TM Registry) and obtain the acknowledgement.

Under Trademark Registration, entire range of goods and services are classified into 45 different classes. Identifying the Class of Trademark is very important before filing the application as registering a trademark or name under a particular class provides protection under that category only.   

Registering a trademark gives the owner exclusive right to use the mark for their products and/or services. If the trademark is registered, the owner can use the symbol ®. In the case of trademarks for which a registration application is filed, the symbol ™ can be used.

Register Your Proposed Business / Brand Name as ‘Trademark’

Free Trademark Search to Identify the TM class and check if the Trademark is already registered