Business many not be successful all time. A compny incorporated in some case many not put to use or some time it may be kept null. These type of companies are defund companies and can avail closing under section 248 of the Companies Act,2018
An incorporated business means a business entity registered and incorporated under any Law. In India, ‘Limited Company’ and ‘Limited Liability Partnership’ are the incorporated business forms. Limited Companies are classified as One Person Co..
Company Name approval and allotment process in India is administered by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) as per the Company Name Availability Guidelines issued under Companies Act 2013. MCA has revised the Company Name Availability Guidelines ..
A ‘Company’ is a business organisation registered under prevalent company law for doing business in a particular jurisdiction. For administrative and other requirements including compliance, a company is classified as primarily ‘private’ or â..
Basic requirements for registering a Private Limited Company are 2 Shareholders and 2 Directors. Shareholders could be individuals, companies or LLPs, but only individuals can become directors of a company. A director need not be a shareholder and a ..