Details of offices of PTO in Karnataka with jurisdiction and Code 1. Bangalore Division. (Jurisdiction of PT Offices in Bangalore are based on PIN code)
LLP Settlement Scheme – 2020 is a Onetime relaxation in additional fees to the defaulting LLPs to make good their default by filing pending documents and to serve as a compliant LLP in future.
Due to the Covid-19 exigency situation, the Government of India has relaxed many compliance deadlines and penalties on Income Tax, GST, Custom /Central Excise, Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and Banking operations.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has introduced UDIN (Unique Document Identification Number) in order to intensify the corporate governance practices followed by company secretaries in practice. This will ensure to curb the malpractices ..
A director of a Company can resigns from his office by intimating his intention to the Company by giving a notice in writing. Though the director vacates from his office from the date of resignation, he shall be held liable for any wrongful act done ..